खाँदबारी नगरपालिकाको लागि स्थानीय शासन तथा सामुदायीक विकास कार्यक्रम (LGCDP) तर्फ ईन्जिनियर पद संख्या १ (एक) र कार्यक्रम अधिकृत पद संख्या १ (एक) को लागि भोलि मिति २०७३ साल ज्येष्ठ २८ गते हुने भनिएको लिखित परीक्षा समितिका सदस्यहरुको कार्य ब्यस्तता एवं अन्य विविध कारणले अर्को सूचना नभए सम्मको लागि
As per the notice published by Ministry of Federal Affair and Local Development dated 2072-10-28, the Municipality has published the Examination schedule for the post of Program Officer and Engineer as per following.
The Khandbari Municipality Ofiices request the application within 7 days of its ist publication from eligible Nepali citizen for providing Technical serivices for implementation of its annual project/program up to Ashadh 2073.
Khandbari Municipality reinvetes the proposal from public/private organization and interested individuals to manage waste generated in core bazar area of municipality to the landfill site in daily basis.